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alcatel switchlerde logların listelenmesi

alcatel switchler üzerinde flashta tutulan logları görebilmek için

show log swlog
show log swlog [session session_id] [timestamp start_time [end_time]] [appid appid] [level level]

komutu kullanılmaktadır. komut yapısında kullanılan parametreler ise aşağıdaki belirtildiği şekilde olmalıdır. burada tutulacak kayıt uzunluğu vb ayarlanabilmektedir. bir başka gönderide onlarada değinebiliriz.

tarih yapısı : mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm formatında .

appid için aşagıdaki tablodaki id numarası ve/veya uygulama adı

802.1q - 7		ip - 15			qdispatcher - 3
aaa - 20		ipc-diag - 1		qdriver - 2
amap - 18		ip-helper - 22		qos - 13
bridge - 10		ipc-link - 4		rmon - 79
chassis - 64		ipc-mon - 21		rsvp - 14
cli - 67		ipms - 17		session - 71
config - 66		ipx - 16		slb - 25
dbggw - 89		ldap - 86		smni - 83
diag - 0		linkagg - 12		snmp - 68
distrib - 84		mipgw - 70		ssl - 88
drc - 74		module - 24		stp - 11
eipc - 26		nan-driver - 78		system - 75
epilogue - 85		ni-supervision - 5	telnet - 80
ftp - 82		nosnmp - 87		trap - 72
gmap - 19		pmm - 23		vlan - 8
health - 76		policy - 73		vrrp - 77
idle - 255		port-mgr - 64		web - 69
interface - 6		psm - 81		

level : logun öncelik düzeyi ile ilgili olarak aşağıdaki bilgiler kullanılır

Supported	Numeric		Equivalents
Levels		Description	 

alarm		2		Highest severity. The system is about to crash and reboot.
error		3		System functionality is reduced.
alert		4		A violation has occurred.
warning		5		A unexpected, non-critical event has occurred.
info		6		Any other non-debug message (default).
debug1		7		A normal event debug message.
debug2		8		A debug-specific message.
debug3		9		Lowest severity. A maximum verbosity debug message.

örnek bir çıktı ise aşağıdaki gibidir.

alc_6850_switch-> show log swlog appid interface 
Displaying file contents for '/flash/swlog1.log'
FILEID: fileName[/flash/swlog1.log], endPtr[63857],  configSize[64000], mode[2]
Time Stamp               Application    Level   Log Message
FRI FEB 15 10:57:58 2013      INTERFACE    info Got connection from slot 1:23 
FRI FEB 15 10:57:58 2013      INTERFACE    info Got connection from slot 1:24 
FRI FEB 15 10:58:24 2013      INTERFACE    info  ## TX NI-ST Sl 1 ESMmsk    1 STKmsk    1 ##
FRI FEB 15 10:58:32 2013      INTERFACE    info RX CS_NI_READY NI 1 
FRI FEB 15 10:58:32 2013      INTERFACE    info  NIs are ready 
Displaying file contents for '/flash/swlog2.log'
FILEID: fileName[/flash/swlog2.log], endPtr[33894],  configSize[64000], mode[1]
Time Stamp               Application    Level   Log Message
SUN MAY 26 10:56:18 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=3, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
THU MAY 30 12:26:32 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=3, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 06:30:05 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=3, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 16:29:45 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=-30.969 dBm on slot=1 port=6, crossed DDM threshold low alarm
MON JUN 10 17:05:29 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=3, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 22:51:47 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=5, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 22:51:49 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=3, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 22:51:50 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=4, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 22:56:55 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=5, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 22:56:57 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=4, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
MON JUN 10 22:56:58 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=3, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
WED JUN 12 21:01:07 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=8, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
WED JUN 12 21:01:10 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=10, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
WED JUN 12 21:06:16 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=8, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
WED JUN 12 21:06:18 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=10, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
FRI JUN 14 03:43:27 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=11, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
FRI JUN 14 03:48:37 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=11, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
FRI JUN 14 05:48:17 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=11, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
FRI JUN 14 05:54:11 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=10, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
TUE JUN 18 04:13:35 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=9, crossed DDM threshold high alarm
TUE JUN 18 04:18:43 2013      INTERFACE warning SFP/XFP Rx Power=0.000 dBm on slot=1 port=9, crossed DDM threshold high alarm

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