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huawei s5300 serisi switchlerde optik arayüzün değerleri

[huawei-s5300-GigabitEthernet0/0/5]display transceiver diagnosis interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/5
Port GigabitEthernet0/0/5 transceiver diagnostic information:
Parameter        Current     Low Alarm    High Alarm
  Type            Value      Threshold    Threshold    Status
-------------   ---------    ---------    ----------   --------
TxPower(dBm)    -5.92        -8.99        -2.99        normal
RxPower(dBm)    -4.74        -17.00       -5.00        abnormal
Current(mA)     13.27        1.00         50.00        normal
Temp.(C)        32.53        0.00         80.00        normal
Voltage(V)      3.31         3.10         3.50         normal

buradan görülebileceği gibi RX değerleri normal değerlerin üzerinde. Fiziksel kontrol gerekmektedir. En iyi olasılık optik zayıflatıcı kullanmak.

XFP – Pin Assignment and Pin Description

Host PCB XFP Pinout

Image: Host PCB XFP Pinout

XFP Transceiver Electrical Pad Layout

Image: XFP Transceiver Electrical Pad Layout


Pin# Name Logic Description Note
1 GND Module Ground 1
2 VEE5 -5.2V Power Supply , not in use 3
3 MOD_DESEL LVTTL-I Module De-select; When held Low allows module to respond to 2-wire serial interface
4 INTERRUPTb LVTTL-O Indicates presence of an important condition, which can be read over the 2-wire serial interface. This pin is an open collector output and must be pulled up to host_Vcc on the host board. 2
5 TX_DIS LVTTL-I Transmitter Disable; When asserted High, transmitter output is turned off. This pin is pulled up to VCC3 in the module
6 VCC5 +5V Power Supply, not in use 3
7 GND Module Ground 1
8 VCC3 +3.3V Power Supply
9 VCC3 +3.3V Power Supply
10 SCL I/O 2-wire serial interface clock. Host shall use a pull-up resistor connected to host_Vcc of +3.3V. 2
11 SDA I/O 2-wire serial interface data. Host shall use a pull-up resistor connected to host_Vcc of +3.3V. 2
12 MOD_ABS LVTTL-O Indicates Module is not present. Host shall pull up this pin, and grounded in the module. “High” when the XFP module is absent from a host board. 2
13 MOD_NR LVTTL-O Module not ready; When High, Indicates Module Operational Fault. This pin is an open collector and must be pulled to host_Vcc on the host board. 2,4,5
14 RX_LOS LVTTL-O Receiver Loss of Signal; When high, indicates insufficient optical input power to the module. This pin is an open collector and must be pulled to host_Vcc on the host board. 2
15 GND Module Ground
16 GND Module Ground
17 RDN CML-O Receiver Inverted Data Output; AC coupled inside the module.
18 RDP CML-O Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output; AC coupled in side the module.
19 GND Module Ground 1
20 VCC2 + 1.8V Power Supply; not in use 3
21 P_DOWN/RST LVTTL-I Power down; When High, module is limited power mode. Low for normal operation.

Reset; The falling edge indicates complete reset of the module. This pin is pulled up to VCC3 in the module.

22 VCC2 + 1.8V Power Supply; not in use 3
23 GND Module Ground 1
24 REFCLKP PECL-I Reference clock Non-Inverted Input; not in use
25 REFCLKN PECL-I Reference clock Inverted Input; not in use
26 GND Module Ground 1
27 GND Module Ground 1
28 TDN CML-I Transmitter Inverted Data Input; AC coupled in side the module.
29 TDP CML-I Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input; AC coupled in side the module.
30 GND Module Ground 1

Note :

1: Module ground pins are isolated from the module case and chassis ground within the module.
2: Shall be pulled up with 4.7k to 10k ohm to a voltage between 3.15V and 3.45V on the host board.
3: Not connected internally.
4: Response time: typ. 20msec ( XFP MSA Rev. 4.5 = 1msec)
5: MOD_NR = (TX LOL) OR (RX LOL ).

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PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading initial communication packet’, system error: 111 in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /html/www/includes/



huawei – ethernet ile bağlantı

huawei support sayfalarında huaweinin üretmiş olduğu huawei network access cihazlarında bulunan meth arayüzü için kullanılan ip adresinin olduğu yazmakta. bu cihazlara bağlanabilmek için meth arayüzüne pc ile ethernet arayüzü ile bağlanarak bu ip adresine cihazda hangi protokol aktif ise (telnet veya ssh) bağlanabilirsiniz.

cihaz üzerindeki default konfigürasyon aşağıdaki gibidir.

interface meth0
ip address

default kullanıcı adı, şifresi root – mduadmin olarak geçiyor yine bu kaynaklarda.

$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

>>User name:root
>>User password:mduadmin

Huawei Integrated Access Software (MA5616).
Copyright(C) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2002-2011. All rights reserved.



cisco switch minimum konfigürasyon

bu örnekte cisconun 3700 serisi switchlerde temel konfigürasyonun nasıl yapılacağına bakacağız.

ağ topolojimizi planlarken ağımızda hangi vlanların kullanılacağını belirlediğimi varsayıyoruz. temel olarak ağ yapılandırmasında  grupları yönetim, data  ve voip olarak ayrılmasında fayda vardır.  

ağımızda 10 ve 20 data ve 30 ses için vlanlarını kullanacağımızı düşünerek gerekli vlan tanımlamalarını yapalım. cisco switch kullandığımızdan  ve ağımızın çok büyük olmayacağınızı düşünerek stp olarak pvst kullanalım.

spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
spanning-tree vlan 1,10,20,30 priority 4096

vlan internal allocation policy ascending
vlan 10
name DATA
vlan 20
name DATA2
vlan 30
name VOIP

vlanlarımızı tanımladıktan sonra uplink için gerekli konfigürasyonumuzu girebiliriz.  bu örnekte switchimizde uplink portunu gi 1/0/1 olarak kullanacağız. port modunu trunk  ve encapsulation dot1q olarak tanımlayacağız.  eğer bu switchi dış dünyaya açılan noktanız da kullanacaksanız servis sağlayıcınızdan kullanmanız vlan bilgisini temin etmeniz gerekmektedir.

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
description *** uplink ***
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,20,30
switchport mode trunk

uplink tanımında dikkat edilmesi gereken iki nokta daha var. bunlardan bir tanesi auto negoation ve mtu değeridir. benim kullanmakta olduğum switch üzerinde 4 adet ge port mevcut. herhangi bir uplink koruması ve yedeklemesi yapmayacağımız için ilave bir konfigürasyon yapmamıza gerek yok. diğer üç port için konfigürasyon girmiyoruz. konfigürasyon dosyasında aşağıdaki şekilde görmemiz gerekmekte.

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4

şimdi switchimiz için gerekli ip yapılandırmasını yapalım. elimizdeki bilgiler

default vlan : 1
ip :

şeklinde ise

ip subnet-zero
ip routing

interface Vlan1
ip address
ip classless
ip route
ip http server

şimdi kullanacağımız fast ethernet portları içinde gerekli konfigürasyon tanımı yaparsak switchimiz kullanıma hazır hale gelecek. geriye switch erişimi v.b. konularda gerekli konfigürasyonlar kalacaktır. ağımızda kullanılacak voip telefonlarda ve pclerde sadece bir ethernet port var her kullanıcıya iki ethernet port verilmesi gerekmekte. bunun için switchimizin yarısını data yarısını ses için ayırıyoruz.

interface FastEthernet1/0/1
description *** A-data ***
switchport access vlan 10
switchport mode access

interface FastEthernet1/0/2
description *** A-voip ***
switchport access vlan 20
switchport mode access

bu tanımı her port için ayrı ayrı giriyoruz. switch kullanıma hazır. burada ses için gerekli vlan kısmını kullanmayarak bu switch metro ethernet hattımızda sonlandırma switchi olarak kullanabiliriz.


Kamailio version 4.0 is a combined package of the former OpenSER and SIP Express Router servers. You can have now have access to all features of Kamailio and SIP Express Router (SER) in the same SIP server instance.

Combining its SIP core capabilities and extensible APIs, building VoIP and Unified Communication Platforms using  Kamailio  (K) is straightforward.

Some of the features that Kamailio ®  offers:

  • Robust and Performant SIP (RFC3261) Server  flavours
    • Registrar server
    • Location server
    • Proxy server
    • SIP Application server
    • Redirect server
  • Flexibility
    • small footprint ““ suitable for embedded devices ““ the binary file is small size, functionality can be stripped/added via modules
    • plug&play module interface ““ ability to add new extensions, without touching the core, therefore assuring a great stability of core components
    • modular architecture ““ core, internal libraries and module interface to extend the server’s functionality
    • impressive extension repository ““ overall more than 150 modules are included in the Kamailio source tree
  • SIP Routing Capabilities
    • stateless and transactional stateful SIP Proxy processing
    • serial and parallel forking
    • NAT traversal support for SIP and RTP traffic
    • load balancing with many distribution algorithms and failover support
    • flexible least cost routing
    • routing failover
    • replication for High Availability (HA)
  • Transport Layers
    • support for communication via UDP, TCP, TLS and SCTP
    • IPv4 and IPv6
    • transport layer gatewaying (IPv4 to IPv6, UDP to TLS, a.s.o.)
    • SCTP multi-homing and multi-streaming
    • WebSocket for WebRTC
  • Asynchronous Processing
    • asynchronous TCP handling
    • asynchronous SIP message processing
    • asynchronous inter-process message queues communication system
  • Secure Communication
    • Digest SIP User authentication
    • Authorization via ACL or group membership
    • IP and Network authentication
    • TLS support for SIP signaling
    • transparent handling of SRTP for secure audio
    • TLS domain name extension support
    • authentication and authorization against database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, UnixODBC, BerkeleyDB, Oracle, text files), RADIUS and DIAMETER
  • IP and DNS

    • support for SRV and NAPTR DNS lookups
    • SRV DNS failover
    • DNSsec support
    • ENUM support
    • internal DNS caching system ““ avoid DNS blocking
    • IP level Blacklists
    • multi-homed and multi-domain support
    • topology hiding ““ hide IP addresses in SIP headers to protect your network architecture
  • Accounting
    • event based accounting
    • configurable accounting data details
    • multi-leg call accounting
    • storage to database, Radius or Diameter
    • prepaid engine
  • Configuration File
    • scripting language for configurations file. With a syntax similar to scripting languages, the configuration offers a powerful and flexible way to deploy custom SIP services.
    • pseudo-variables to access and manage parts of the SIP messages and attributes specific to users and server
    • transformations to modify existing pseudo-variables, accessing only the wanted parts of the information
    • over 1000 parameters, variables and functions exported to config file
    • runtime update framework ““ to avoid restarting the SIP server when needing to change the config parameters
  • External Interaction via
    • text-based management interface via FIFO file, udp, xmlrpc and unix sockets
    • RPC control interface ““ via XMLRPC, UDP or TCP
  • Rich Communication Services

    • SIP SIMPLE Presence Server (rich presence)
    • Presence User Agent
    • XCAP client capabilities
    • Embedded XCAP Server
    • Presence DialogInfo support ““ SLA/BLA
    • Instant Messaging
    • Embedded MSRP relay
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting
    • SNMP ““ interface to Simple Network Management Protocol
    • config file step-by-step debugger
    • remote control via XMLRPC
    • internal statistics exported via RPC and SNMP
    • flexible debug and error message logging system ““ log custom messages including any header or pseudo-variable and parts of SIP message structure.
  • Extensibility APIs
    • Perl Programming Interface ““ embed your extensions written in Perl
    • Java SIP Servlet Application Interface ““ write Java SIP Servlets to extent your VoIP services and integrate with web services
    • Lua Programming Interface
    • Managed Code (C#) Programming Interface
    • Python Programming Interface
    • Java Programming Interface
  • Multiple Database Backends
    • (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, UnixODBC, BerkeleyDB, Oracle, text files) and other database types which have unixodbc drivers
    • connections pool
    • different backends can be used at same time (e.g., accounting to Oracle and authorization against MySQL)
    • connectors for Memcached, Redis and Cassandra no-SQL backends
  • Interconnectivity
    • straightforward interconnection with PSTN gateways
    • gateway to sms or xmpp and other IM services
    • interoperability with SIP enabled devices and applications such as SIP phones (Snom, Cisco, etc.), Media Servers (Asterisk, FreeSwitch, etc.)
  • IMS
    • diameter support and authentication
    • charging, QOS, ISC
  • Miscellaneous
    • CPL ““ Call Processing Language (RFC3880)
    • Internal generic caching system
    • Memcached connector
    • Redis NoSQL database connector
    • CLI ““ kamctl and sercmd
    • Web Management Interface: Siremis
    • SIP-T and SIP-I
    • music on hold queue
    • message body compression/decompression (gzip-deflate)
  • Extensive  documentation  for both administrators and developers


  • Kamailio can run on embedded systems, with limited resources ““ the performances can be up to hundreds of call setups per second
  • used as load balancer in stateless mode, Kamailio can handle over 5000 call setups per second
  • on systems with 4GB memory, Kamailio can serve a population over 300 000 online subscribers
  • system can easily scale by adding more Kamailio servers
  • Kamailio can be used in geographic distributed VoIP platforms
  • Kamailio least-cost-routing scales up to millions of routing rules
  • straightforward failover and redundancy

alcatel 7750 lerde portun lldp konfigürasyonun incelenmesi

lldp prokolü aktif edilmiş bir ağda alcatel cihazlarda cli üzerinden lldp kontrolü aşağıdaki şekilde kontrol edilebilir.

*A:alc_7750_test# show port 3/2/12 ethernet lldp nearest-bridge remote-info detail
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Port Information
Port 3/2/12 Bridge nearest-bridge Remote Peer Information
Remote Peer Index 3 at timestamp 12/26/2013 10:51:38:
Supported Caps : bridge router
Enabled Caps : bridge router
Chassis Id Subtype : 4 (macAddress)
Chassis Id : e8:e7:32:00:00:00
PortId Subtype : 7 (local)
Port Id : 1001
Port Description : Alcatel-Lucent 1/1
System Name : alc_6850_test
System Description : n/a

Remote Peer Index 3 management addresses at time 12/26/2013 10:51:38:
Address SubType : 1
Address :
Address If SubType : 2 Address If Id : 13604099
Address OID : n/a


huawei ne40e de uç cihaz kontrolü – lldp

lldp protokolü aktif edilmiş bir ağda ne40e cihazlarınız varsa  cli ortamında da gerekli kontrolleri yapabiliriz.

[huawe_ne40e_test]display lldp neighbor interface GigabitEthernet 2/0/11

GigabitEthernet2/0/11 has 1 neighbor:
Neighbor 1:
ChassisIdSubtype: macAddress
ChassisId: 0819-a600-0000   <porta bağlı cihazın mac adresi>
PortIdSubtype: interfaceName
PortId: GigabitEthernet0/0/21
PortDesc: HUAWEI, Quidway Series, GigabitEthernet0/0/21 Interface
SysName: huawei_s5300_test_switch  <porta bağlı cihazın sistem adi>
SysDesc: S5328C-EI-24S    <porta bağlı cihazın sistem açıklaması – cihaz modeli>
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software,Version 5.70 (S5300 V100R006C00SPC800)
Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SysCapSupported: bridge
SysCapEnabled: bridge
Management address: ipV4:    <porta bağlı cihazın yönetim ip adresi>
Expired time: 96


nokia 6670 schematic

bir zamanlar symbian için kod yazarken edindiğim nokia 6670 in internetten bulduğun schematic dosyası.

[gview file=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/6670_7610_Schematics_3_0.pdf”]
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