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nokia sros üzerinde sistem kaynakları incelenmesi

network ekipmanlarının da sistem kaynaklarının yönetilmesi ve takibi oldukça önemlidir. nokia cihazlar üzerindeki kartların mevcut durumlarını incelemek için “tools dump system-resources ” komutunu kullanabiliriz…
örnek çıktı şeklindedir..

*A:fcicek_test# tools dump system-resources 1 
Resource Manager info at 125 d 01/10/17 07:45:51.963:

Hardware Resource Usage for Slot #1, CardType iom2-20g, Cmplx #0:
                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free    
        SAP Ingress QoS Policies |       1791|         22|       1769
   Dynamic Egress Classification +       2047|         23|       2024
         SAP Egress QoS Policies -           |         23|           
   Network Egress Classification -           |          0|           
                  Ingress Queues |       8192|       3087|       5105
                   Egress Queues |       8192|       1471|       6721
         Ingress ACL/QoS Entries |      32768|          5|      32763
        Ingress IPv6 ACL Entries |      14336|          2|      14334
        Ingress IPv6 QoS Entries |       2048|          2|       2046
          Egress ACL/QoS Entries |      16384|          2|      16382
         Egress IPv6 ACL Entries |       8192|          2|       8190
             Ingress ACL Filters |       2047|          1|       2046
        Ingress IPv6 ACL Filters |       2047|          0|       2047
              Egress ACL Filters |       2047|          1|       2046
         Egress IPv6 ACL Filters |       2047|          0|       2047
             QoS User Schedulers |      24575|        964|      23611
         Dynamic Service Entries +      32767|        426|      32341
                Subscriber Hosts -      32767|        426|      32341
         Dynamic Nexthop Entries +     131071|        442|     130629
             Subscriber Nexthops -     131071|        442|     130629
    Subscriber SPI QoS Overrides |      80000|          0|      80000
          Ingress Q1 Named Pools |         57|          0|         57
           Egress Q1 Named Pools |         57|          0|         57
        Egress TLS Mcast Entries |     147455|        103|     147352

Hardware Resource Usage for Slot #1, CardType iom2-20g, Cmplx #1:
                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free    
        SAP Ingress QoS Policies |       1791|          1|       1790
   Dynamic Egress Classification +       2047|          0|       2047
         SAP Egress QoS Policies -           |          0|           
   Network Egress Classification -           |          0|           
                  Ingress Queues |       8192|        283|       7909
                   Egress Queues |       8192|         23|       8169
         Ingress ACL/QoS Entries |      32768|          2|      32766
        Ingress IPv6 ACL Entries |      14336|          2|      14334
        Ingress IPv6 QoS Entries |       2048|          2|       2046
          Egress ACL/QoS Entries |      16384|          2|      16382
         Egress IPv6 ACL Entries |       8192|          2|       8190
             Ingress ACL Filters |       2047|          0|       2047
        Ingress IPv6 ACL Filters |       2047|          0|       2047
              Egress ACL Filters |       2047|          0|       2047
         Egress IPv6 ACL Filters |       2047|          0|       2047
             QoS User Schedulers |      24575|        964|      23611
         Dynamic Service Entries +      32767|          0|      32767
                Subscriber Hosts -      32767|          0|      32767
         Dynamic Nexthop Entries +     131071|        442|     130629
             Subscriber Nexthops -     131071|        442|     130629
    Subscriber SPI QoS Overrides |      80000|          0|      80000
          Ingress Q1 Named Pools |         57|          0|         57
           Egress Q1 Named Pools |         57|          0|         57
        Egress TLS Mcast Entries |     147455|        103|     147352


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