huawei routerler üzerinden bir kartın çıkarılmadan önce yazılımsal olarak öncelikle slotun enerjisinin kapatılması önerilmektedir. slottan…
huawei 5700 serisi switchlerde lldp konfigürasyonu
huawei serisi switchlerde basit lldp konfigürasyonu nasıl yapılır. incelemeye çalışalım.
[switch_a]display lldp local Error: Global LLDP is not enabled.
bu bize lldp nin globalde aktif edilmesi gerektiğini söylüyor.
[switch_a]lldp enable Info: Global LLDP is enabled successfully.
display lldp local komutunu tekrar çalıştıralım..
[switch_a]display lldp local System information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chassis type :macAddress Chassis ID :4c1f-cc60-60d8 System name :switch_a System description :S5700-28C-HI Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software,Version 3.30 (S5700 V200R001C00) Copyright (C) 2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. System capabilities supported :bridge System capabilities enabled :bridge LLDP Up time :2014/7/6 20:0:17 MED system information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Device class :Network Connectivity (MED inventory information of master board) HardwareRev :VER B FirmwareRev :NA SoftwareRev :Version 3.30 V200R001C00 SerialNum :NA Manufacturer name :HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD Model name :NA Asset tracking identifier :NA System configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLDP Status :enabled (default is disabled) LLDP Message Tx Interval :30 (default is 30s) LLDP Message Tx Hold Multiplier :4 (default is 4) LLDP Refresh Delay :2 (default is 2s) LLDP Tx Delay :2 (default is 2s) LLDP Notification Interval :5 (default is 5s) LLDP Notification Enable :enabled (default is disabled) Management Address : Remote Table Statistics: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote Table Last Change Time :0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds Remote Neighbors Added :0 Remote Neighbors Deleted :0 Remote Neighbors Dropped :0 Remote Neighbors Aged :0 Total Neighbors :0 Port information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1: LLDP Enable Status :enabled (default is disabled) Total Neighbors :0 Port ID subtype :interfaceName Port ID :GigabitEthernet0/0/1 Port description :
şeklinde devam eden bize bir çıktı verecektir. bundan sonra lldp management adresinin eklenmesi ve uplinke ait port tanımlarının yapılması gerekli. burada temel olarak loopback0 ile aynı yaparız.
[switch_a]lldp management-address Error: The IP Address does not exist. [switch_a]interface LoopBack0 [switch_a-LoopBack0]ip address [switch_a]lldp management-address Info: Setting management address successfully. [switch_a]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1 [switch_a-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]bpdu enable [switch_a-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]q
bundan sonra lldp local komutunu çıktısını incelersek management ip artık yer aldığı görülecektir.
[switch_a]display lldp local System information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chassis type :macAddress Chassis ID :4c1f-cc60-60d8 System name :switch_a System description :S5700-28C-HI Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software,Version 3.30 (S5700 V200R001C00) Copyright (C) 2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. System capabilities supported :bridge System capabilities enabled :bridge LLDP Up time :2014/7/6 20:0:17 MED system information -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Device class :Network Connectivity (MED inventory information of master board) HardwareRev :VER B FirmwareRev :NA SoftwareRev :Version 3.30 V200R001C00 SerialNum :NA Manufacturer name :HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD Model name :NA Asset tracking identifier :NA System configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLDP Status :enabled (default is disabled) LLDP Message Tx Interval :30 (default is 30s) LLDP Message Tx Hold Multiplier :4 (default is 4) LLDP Refresh Delay :2 (default is 2s) LLDP Tx Delay :2 (default is 2s) LLDP Notification Interval :5 (default is 5s) LLDP Notification Enable :enabled (default is disabled) Management Address :IP: Remote Table Statistics: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote Table Last Change Time :0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds Remote Neighbors Added :0 Remote Neighbors Deleted :0 Remote Neighbors Dropped :0 Remote Neighbors Aged :0 Total Neighbors :0 Port information: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
lokal kısım ile ilgili yapacaklarımız bitti. uzak uç ile ilgili bilgilere bakalım.. bunun için lldp neighbor komutunu kullanıyoruz. aşagıdaki çıktıdan görüldüğü üzere interfacelerde herhangi bir cihaz alğılanmamış durumda.
[switch_a]display lldp neighbor GigabitEthernet0/0/1 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/2 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/3 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/5 has 0 neighbors
uç cihaz konfigürasyonlarınıda yaptıktan sonra tekrar bakacak olursak interface karşı uca ati bilgilerin geldiği görülecektir.
[switch_a]display lldp neighbor GigabitEthernet0/0/1 has 1 neighbors: Neighbor index : 1 Chassis type :macAddress Chassis ID :4c1f-cccc-3a18 Port ID type :interfaceName Port ID :GigabitEthernet0/0/1 Port description :NA System name :switch_b System description :S5700-28C-HI Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software,Version 3.30 (S5700 V200R001C00) Copyright (C) 2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. System capabilities supported :bridge System capabilities enabled :bridge Management address type :ipV4 Management address : Expired time :112s Port VLAN ID(PVID) :1 VLAN name of VLAN 1: VLAN1 Protocol identity :STP STP LACP EthOAM CFM Auto-negotiation supported :No Auto-negotiation enabled :No OperMau :speed(0)/duplex(Half) Power port class :PD PSE power supported :No PSE power enabled :No PSE pairs control ability:No Power pairs :Unknown Port power classification:Unknown Link aggregation supported:Yes Link aggregation enabled :No Aggregation port ID :0 Maximum frame Size :9216 EEE support :No Transmit Tw :0 Receive Tw :0 Fallback Receive Tw :0 Echo Transmit Tw :0 Echo Receive Tw :0 MED Device information Device class :Network Connectivity HardwareRev :VER B FirmwareRev :NA SoftwareRev :Version 3.30 V200R001C00 SerialNum :NA Manufacturer name :HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD Model name :NA Asset tracking identifier :NA Media policy type :Voice Unknown Policy :Defined VLAN tagged :Yes Media policy VlanID :0 Media policy L2 priority :5 Media policy Dscp :46 Power Type :Unknown PoE PSE power source :Unknown Port PSE Priority :Unknown Port Available power value:2 GigabitEthernet0/0/2 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/3 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has 0 neighbors GigabitEthernet0/0/5 has 0 neighbors
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