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huawei 5700 serisi switchlerde lldp konfigürasyonu

lldp config

huawei serisi switchlerde basit lldp konfigürasyonu nasıl yapılır. incelemeye çalışalım.

[switch_a]display lldp local 
Error: Global LLDP is not enabled.

bu bize lldp nin globalde aktif edilmesi gerektiğini söylüyor.

[switch_a]lldp enable 
Info: Global LLDP is enabled successfully.

display lldp local komutunu tekrar çalıştıralım..

[switch_a]display lldp local 

System information
Chassis type   :macAddress 
Chassis ID     :4c1f-cc60-60d8
System name    :switch_a
System description  :S5700-28C-HI 
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software 
 VRP (R) software,Version 3.30 (S5700 V200R001C00) 
 Copyright (C) 2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
System capabilities supported   :bridge  
System capabilities enabled     :bridge  
LLDP Up time   :2014/7/6 20:0:17

MED system information
Device class   :Network Connectivity
(MED inventory information of master board)
HardwareRev       :VER B
FirmwareRev       :NA
SoftwareRev       :Version 3.30 V200R001C00
SerialNum         :NA
Manufacturer name :HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
Model name        :NA
Asset tracking identifier :NA

System configuration
LLDP Status                     :enabled             (default is disabled)
LLDP Message Tx Interval        :30                  (default is 30s)     
LLDP Message Tx Hold Multiplier :4                   (default is 4)       
LLDP Refresh Delay              :2                   (default is 2s)      
LLDP Tx Delay                   :2                   (default is 2s)      
LLDP Notification Interval      :5                   (default is 5s)      
LLDP Notification Enable        :enabled             (default is disabled)
Management Address              :

Remote Table Statistics:
Remote Table Last Change Time   :0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds           

Remote Neighbors Added          :0     
Remote Neighbors Deleted        :0     
Remote Neighbors Dropped        :0     
Remote Neighbors Aged           :0     
Total Neighbors                 :0     

Port information:

Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1:
LLDP Enable Status       :enabled             (default is disabled)
Total Neighbors          :0

Port ID subtype     :interfaceName 
Port ID             :GigabitEthernet0/0/1 
Port description    :

şeklinde devam eden bize bir çıktı verecektir. bundan sonra lldp management adresinin eklenmesi ve uplinke ait port tanımlarının yapılması gerekli. burada temel olarak loopback0 ile aynı yaparız.

[switch_a]lldp management-address
Error: The IP Address does not exist.

[switch_a]interface LoopBack0
[switch_a-LoopBack0]ip address

[switch_a]lldp management-address
Info: Setting management address successfully.

[switch_a]interface  GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
[switch_a-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]bpdu enable 

bundan sonra lldp local komutunu çıktısını incelersek management ip artık yer aldığı görülecektir.

[switch_a]display lldp local 

System information
Chassis type   :macAddress 
Chassis ID     :4c1f-cc60-60d8
System name    :switch_a
System description  :S5700-28C-HI 
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software 
 VRP (R) software,Version 3.30 (S5700 V200R001C00) 
 Copyright (C) 2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
System capabilities supported   :bridge  
System capabilities enabled     :bridge  
LLDP Up time   :2014/7/6 20:0:17

MED system information
Device class   :Network Connectivity
(MED inventory information of master board)
HardwareRev       :VER B
FirmwareRev       :NA
SoftwareRev       :Version 3.30 V200R001C00
SerialNum         :NA
Manufacturer name :HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
Model name        :NA
Asset tracking identifier :NA

System configuration
LLDP Status                     :enabled             (default is disabled)
LLDP Message Tx Interval        :30                  (default is 30s)     
LLDP Message Tx Hold Multiplier :4                   (default is 4)       
LLDP Refresh Delay              :2                   (default is 2s)      
LLDP Tx Delay                   :2                   (default is 2s)      
LLDP Notification Interval      :5                   (default is 5s)      
LLDP Notification Enable        :enabled             (default is disabled)
Management Address              :IP:  

Remote Table Statistics:
Remote Table Last Change Time   :0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds           

Remote Neighbors Added          :0     
Remote Neighbors Deleted        :0     
Remote Neighbors Dropped        :0     
Remote Neighbors Aged           :0     
Total Neighbors                 :0     

Port information:

lokal kısım ile ilgili yapacaklarımız bitti. uzak uç ile ilgili bilgilere bakalım.. bunun için lldp neighbor komutunu kullanıyoruz. aşagıdaki çıktıdan görüldüğü üzere interfacelerde herhangi bir cihaz alğılanmamış durumda.

[switch_a]display lldp neighbor 
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/2 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/3 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/5 has 0 neighbors

uç cihaz konfigürasyonlarınıda yaptıktan sonra tekrar bakacak olursak interface karşı uca ati bilgilerin geldiği görülecektir.

[switch_a]display lldp neighbor 
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 has 1 neighbors:

Neighbor index : 1
Chassis type   :macAddress 
Chassis ID     :4c1f-cccc-3a18 
Port ID type   :interfaceName 
Port ID        :GigabitEthernet0/0/1
Port description    :NA
System name         :switch_b
System description  :S5700-28C-HI 
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software 
 VRP (R) software,Version 3.30 (S5700 V200R001C00) 
 Copyright (C) 2007 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
System capabilities supported   :bridge 
System capabilities enabled     :bridge 
Management address type  :ipV4
Management address       :  
Expired time   :112s

Port VLAN ID(PVID)  :1
VLAN name of VLAN  1: VLAN1
Protocol identity   :STP STP LACP EthOAM CFM 

Auto-negotiation supported    :No 
Auto-negotiation enabled      :No
OperMau   :speed(0)/duplex(Half)

Power port class         :PD 
PSE power supported      :No 
PSE power enabled        :No 
PSE pairs control ability:No 
Power pairs              :Unknown 
Port power classification:Unknown

Link aggregation supported:Yes 
Link aggregation enabled :No 
Aggregation port ID      :0 
Maximum frame Size       :9216

EEE support              :No 
Transmit Tw              :0 
Receive Tw               :0 
Fallback Receive Tw      :0 
Echo Transmit Tw         :0 
Echo Receive Tw          :0

MED Device information             
Device class   :Network Connectivity

HardwareRev       :VER B
FirmwareRev       :NA
SoftwareRev       :Version 3.30 V200R001C00
SerialNum         :NA
Manufacturer name :HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
Model name        :NA
Asset tracking identifier :NA

Media policy type   :Voice 
Unknown Policy      :Defined 
VLAN tagged         :Yes 
Media policy VlanID      :0 
Media policy L2 priority :5 
Media policy Dscp        :46

Power Type               :Unknown 
PoE PSE power source     :Unknown 
Port PSE Priority        :Unknown 
Port Available power value:2
GigabitEthernet0/0/2 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/3 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/4 has 0 neighbors

GigabitEthernet0/0/5 has 0 neighbors

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